New Year’s Resolutions
It’s that time of year again when many of us make goals for the new year. We talk about the origin of New Year’s resolutions, why they often fail, and some strategies to help increase the likelihood of achieving them.
Self-Esteem is at the core of how we perceive ourselves. If we allow the connection, the words of others can lift us up or tear us down. We talk about how life can alter our self-esteem if we let it and ways to safeguard it.
We’re All In This Together
Join us as we discuss a listener’s question about how we got our kids to help around the house and how we handled rewards, and encouragement and compliments. Everyone has something to contribute whether at home, work, or groups that we are involved with.
Sharing the Load
I could try to do it all myself, or we could do it together and share the load. The to-do list is long and sometimes seems never-ending, but when we work together the load is lighter and manageable. We share our experiences and how 1+1 = more.
Humor – What’s So Funny
We love to laugh. It lightens a heavy day, reduces stress, and brings us together. When we gather as friends, laughter is usually part of the mix and that which we remember most.
Peculiar Things
We live in a big world where we are still discovering the history of past civilizations through ancient ruins. The world is filled with mysteries and things peculiar. We discuss some of these, Mike’s favorite shows, and the magic number nine.
Connecting with Autumn
Autumn joins us in this episode and talks about her passion for architecture and how it and her interest in sustainability has shaped her life and career path.