Our Recent Episodes
Explore, listen, and be curious…
The idea of creativity has been bubbling up lately. We chat about how it can help us in our problem solving, furniture layout, or our favorite hobby. We discuss some of our processes and what helps us to be more creative.
Life Hacks
There’s often more than one way to do something. We discuss some of our favorite methods across many topics.
Brushes With Mortality
Mike shares some stories of his brushes with mortality and we discuss how they can be a call to action in our lives.
Sandwich Generation
When you’ve got aging parents and raising children, you’re right in the middle and part of the sandwich generation. We talk about the challenges and offer some ideas to keep in balance.
Partner Relationships
Our parents, TV, movies, books, and those around us provide many examples of types of partner relationships. It’s up to each of us to figure out what works best for ourselves and what we are then looking for in a partner. We unpack some of the many pieces we consider important to a healthy relationship.